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SPORT. "Young people represent hope and not danger"
BACKGROUND. Half of the Haitian population is under 20 years old. The inactive population is much larger than the working population and has a majority of kids at the school and university age range. Unemployment plagues our cities and strikes even more the areas most affected by poverty. Whatever her/his condition (poor, street child ...), every child, every teenager or young adult should have access to education. The very high rate of illiteracy in Haiti keeps this section of the population away from basic notions of citizenship and public spirit, the first steps towards building a nation. These kids with no resources and no guidance are very often pushed by older thugs or gang members to commit wrongs (theft, crime, etc.), which inevitably leads them away from the right path. There is no possible development or construction of democracy without upgrading mentalities and behaviors. The Emmanuel Lesly Brézault Foundation cannot remain insensitive to this problem and this is why we want to establish sports facilities and play grounds for children throughout the country. We also want to train capable educators who will encourage interactive dialogue among these excluded children so that they can learn the values of respect for rights and the law, of equal consideration of people, as well as solidarity, mutual aid, cooperation, the sense of general interest and participation in democratic life. This way, step by step, they will regain the place that is due to them in our society.
This is an innovative concept for young audiences; the plan aims, in particular, to promote the civic values ​​of sport, to prevent all forms of violence, incivility and discrimination through sport, to increase access to regular and supervised sporting activities by young people living in the most remote areas and to ensure that sport plays a strong and concrete role in employment, training and integration. Sport plays a powerful role; the impact will be measured over time, it is crucial for the future of the country to commit today and take strong measures!

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