become who you are
What are the fundamentals of the Emmanuel Lesly Brézault Foundation based on sport, music and non-formal education?
Vision, values and innovation of the FELB: Sport, music and personal development at the heart of the social bond.
Missions and fields of action: Promote citizenship and public spirit to young people through sports, music and non-formal education.
The FELB sponsors the young boxer Junior Desir "Dominican" | Music, an instrument for community and social integration | Endurance competition | Champ de Mars site | Access to outdoor gym is free | Delmas 33 | Outdoor gym at delmas 33 | Don FELB | Our trainer leads group gym sessions | Speech by Mrs Katia Brézault Vice-President FELB |
June 17, 2018 : Promotion and support for graduates | Thomassin Educational and Cultural Training Institution | We have set an ambitious goal for 2020: extend our music program to more school in the capital in order to reach 10,000 children | Music is at the heart of our cultural and social organization; to date, 2686 children, spread over 7 Haitian schools, benefit from our music training program | Music, a vector for success in the classroom and problem solving. Our challenge is to enable young people to realize their potential | Speech by Founder Emmanuel Lesly Brézault at the inauguration of the UEH outdoor gym | April 19, 2018: Inauguration of the outdoor gym of the Faculty of Medicine ~ Don FELB |
Outdoor gym of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy / UEH School of Medical Biology | Woman in sports challenge gender stereotypes and social norms. They provide example to follow and make men and women look equal | Self-confidence and sport form a true virtuous circle, they feed and maintain each other | FELB outdoor gym on Place du Champ de Mars | Equality between men and women in Sports must be built. This is a long term process that requires the support of all stakeholders and education as the main tool | Sport, at the heart of social cohesion | "The only person to pass is the one you were yesterday." | SPORT AGAINST VIOLENCE is the alternative chosen by the Emmanuel Lesly Brézault Foundation |
This gymnasium, intended for weight training exercises, will serve as a complement to the sports activities in which the Saint-Louis Institution remains a national reference | Physical education and sport is the main discipline that allows children, adolescents and young adults to express themselves physically. It is therefore an essential vehicle for education | Sustainable development through sport, at the heart of the Lesly Brézault Foundation | The 10th FELB outdoor gym at the Saint-Louis de Gonzague Institution |
SOCIAL concept.
SPORT AGAINST VIOLENCE is the alternative chosen by the Emmanuel Lesly Brézault Foundation, through outdoor public spaces, to effectively fight delinquency and facilitate social integration in neighborhoods that have no references, role models and hope.
"In Haiti, we go through life singing and dancing” More than an art, music is an individual and collective therapy!
Fondation Emmanuel Lesly Brézault
17 rue magny - Mornes Badet - Pétion-Ville Haïti
Email : contact@felb.org
Phone : +509 2817-0787 | +509 4897-0387