Sport the benefits of physical education and sports in school
Institution Saint Louis de Gonzague Haiti
Art and sport are at the heart of the social bond in Haiti
Inauguration of a "Green gym" at the Saint-Louis de Gonzague Institution
February 22, 2017
A sports area serving as a gymnasium in the open air was inaugurated on Tuesday at the institution Saint-Louis de Gonzague in Delmas 33 for the benefit of young school children. This initiative, called Green gym, is carried out thanks to the donation of the Emmanuel Lesly Brezault Foundation.
The Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague Institution with a "Green Gym"
February 22, 2017
The Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague Institution has an outdoor gym called "Green Gym". Funded by the Lesly Emmanuel Brézault Foundation for US $ 30,000, this new sports facility will improve the fitness of the school's 1,500 students and other space users.